Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Thing 23: Making It All Work Together

I set up a Hootsuite account and added my twitter account and Linkedin account as these are my two professional social media accounts. I like to keep Facebook and Instagram for family, and am still feeling my way with google+.
To download the app on my iPad was straightforward, I did this via my twitter account. To add Linkedin I went to settings, clicked on the Linkedin banner, and then typed in my e-mail and password. It was very simple.

I posted an update to both my accounts at the same time by simply ticking both account icons when prompted, and did a  scheduled post by clicking on the date icon after writing another message, and setting the date and time via a roll menu. I can see how scheduled posts could be really handy for campaigns, such as the Summer Reading Challenge or shortlists for book awards, or even if I was away and wanted to keep up the interest and momentum of a project.
I do not  use any other social media management tools but think that Buffer may be useful. I like that when I find interesting content on the web I could use the 'buffer button' to save and schedule  the content for later. This would stop me from swamping twitter at any one time just because I had found a lot of interesting stuff at one sitting!

I don't have many social media accounts so don't find it difficult to keep up with them all per se. I do, however, find twitter very fast paced and can feel overwhelmed by the amount of information. To help a little with this I have started to use group headings, so that I can peruse particular areas of interest rather than reading everything.

I have thoroughly enjoyed this course and have learnt so much from it. As well as new ideas and apps, such as Flipbook and GUM, I feel that I have also gained a deeper understanding of the social media accounts that I was already using. It has given me lots of ideas of things that I can do in the library and has also helped make me feel more competant in  new and emerging technologies.


Thing 18: Communicating through Photographs

I already have an Instagram account, and prefer to use this for family., so have decided to take on the Flickr challenge!
I opened a Flickr account, which was straightforward, and searched for libraries to follow. (I also folowed some travel accounts because the photos were so beautiful). I wasn't sure how to check for creative commons licence initially, but by clicking for more details the copywright was listed.

After doing Thing 19 on copyright I decided to delete the two photographs that were here as a record of my learning process! Not only were they not commons copyright, but by not referencing them fully I could not easily find them again. Another reason for full, accurate & attributable references.



Both Flickr & Instagram  applications could work very well in my library as another way to communicate with the wider community and attract new followers, but unfortunately our Media bods have directed us to only use Facebook & Twitter for fear of diluting our efforts and impact!